Feb 23, 2022

Bee Engineering created a platform for employees to propose and swipe measures for companies

Bee Engineering created a platform for employees to propose and swipe measures for companies

· “Bee Genius”is the name of the platform that intends to put into practice the ideasproposed and most voted by company employees

· Wastested internally: 54 collaborators made around 1200 swipes right to the 45ideas submitted. Of these, 15 managed to obtain a rating above 80% of approval.

BeeEngineering created Bee Genius – an application for employees to contributeideas to be implemented in the company and vote on suggestions proposed bytheir colleagues. The tool was developed by the Bee Academy – the company'sacademy – with Nectar Interactive – their unit of digital solutions based onvideo games. It has a very simple and intuitive operation: swipe right if youapprove the ideas presented, swipe left if you don't.

“Employeesare at the heart of companies' ecosystems and, as such, their suggestionsshould be considered. Bee Genius guarantees a democratic decision-making systemsince all elements have the opportunity to propose ideas and vote on those theyconsider to be the most relevant”, says José Leal e Silva, Executive Directorof Bee Engineering. “This platform is especially useful in medium and largestructures where it is difficult for all employees to have the opportunity toexpress themselves equally, either because of their physical location or anyother factor”.

Bee Geniusis a team listening tool promoting a collaborative experience: any employee cansee and vote on their colleagues' suggestions. It was initially testedinternally at the Innovation and Technology company during the second week ofFebruary by 54 employees who made around 1200 swipes right to the 45 ideassubmitted. Of these, 15 managed to obtain a rating above 80% of approval. Themost voted ideas are already being evaluated by the Board and those that arefeasible will be put into practice.

“Anyelement within the Bee Engineering universe can have an active voice and apositive impact on work, on team relationships, and the company's growth. Allsuggestions that promote these scenarios will be taken into consideration”,says José Leal e Silva. “In an ideal scenario, we will put all the most votedideas into practice, but at this stage, we are understanding whether theseproposals are viable and how we can put them into action”. The initiative willtake place every quarter internally so that there is an update of the proposedideas. “Every three months we will repeat the process because the context inwhich we operate changes over time, as well as those that are the main needs ofthe team”, says José Leal e Silva.

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