May 11, 2022

Bee Engineering develops digital experiences to promote Iberanime engagement

Bee Engineering develops digital experiences to promote Iberanime engagement

· Aslotmachine was created to bring the community closer to the event. BeeEngineering will have a stand with a new game for Iberanime event subscribers,

· Also apartner of the World Corporate Golf Challenge: tournament participants can playSpin by Nectar and win prizes

Lisbon, May 11, 2022Nectar Interactive, Bee Engineering’s digital experiences unit, was responsible for the development of a slotmachine to Iberanime – the biggest Japanese pop culture event in Portugal. Until the start of the show, which takes place on the 21st and 22nd of May at FIL – Feira Internacional de Lisboa, the game will be available for those interested in receiving prizes: 30% off a pop figure on offer and a t-shirt of your choice. winner, are examples of the prizes awarded.

Whenentering this link, competitors have 10 spins to earn points. To play more rounds, thoseinterested can access codes that are being made available through the Iberanimeinstagram account. In the end, the points of each player are counted and thewinners are defined. The game has been active since April 17th and will run for6 Seasons, which correspond to weeks. In the first 4 seasons there were morethan 800 users and more than 50 thousand spins.

“Theslotmachine we developed for Iberanime represents yet another work that we havebeen developing in the area of ​​developing game solutions to respond to theneeds of companies and organizations”, says José Leal e Silva, ExecutiveDirector of Bee Engineering. “The creation of this advergame aims to createbrand awareness about the event by reaching participants in an engaging way”.

In additionto the slotmachine, Bee Engineering has expanded its partnership with Iberanimethrough its presence at the event. The technology will be present at stand 210,in pavilion 2, where a new digital experience will be available. It will alsobe responsible for the workshop “East vs West – cultural influences on videogame production”, through the presentation that will be made by PauloPiriquito, Sérgio Sequeira and Matheus Girotto, employees of NectarInteractive.

In anime…and in golf

BeeEngineering also used Spin By Nectar, a similar solution, for the WorldCorporate Golf Challenge 2022. Through their mobile phone, tournamentparticipants can access the game and spin the advergame, in order to win prizes.This digital experience is available at each stage – Quinta do Perú, in Lisbon(May 21), Axis Ponte de Lima (June 4) and the final at Royal Óbidos (July 16).Participants win prizes awarded by event partners.

“Similar towhat we developed for Iberanime, Spin by Nectar also has the premise ofbringing the community closer to the event. The interactions, the spirit ofcompetitiveness and the possibility of being rewarded with attractive prizesmake the game a success”, says José Leal e Silva. “Nectar Interactive plays animportant role in increasing the engagement of companies, organizations andevents with the creation of initiatives such as these advergames”.

In the firsttwo stages of the tournament – ​​which took place at the Amendoeira GolfResort, in Silves, and at Santo da Serra, in Madeira – there were an average of76 participants.

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