Dec 3, 2021

Bee Engineering helps DPD Portugal improve efficiency and customer response

Bee Engineering helps DPD Portugal improve efficiency and customer response
  • Chatbot Maria, the Follow My Parcel, and the Operations Control Center developed by the Turnkey area of ​​Bee Engineering
  • Increase efficiency in terms of logistical distribution and information provided to customers

DPD Portugal, a parcel delivery specialist, entrusted Bee Engineering with the development of Digital Transformation processes, which increase the efficiency of logistics services and customer contact. The Innovation and Technology company developed Chatbot Maria, Follow My Parcel, and the Operations Control Center, bringing the brand closer to its consumers in a phase characterized by social distance and increased point-to-point product distribution.

ChatbotMaria was adapted for DPD Portugal to make information flow more quicklybetween customers and the company specializing in express delivery. Recipientsof orders delivered by DPD now have at their disposal a new method of resolvingissues related to orders, without having to use the telephone and/or emailhelpline. Chatbot lets you know information about the status of the order to bedelivered, change the reception address, or choose a pickup store and changethe delivery date. It was developed using Robot Factory technology, which DPDuses internationally. The new customer service channel has been used by morethan half a million customers since the beginning of the activity and ishelping to speed up the response to questions related to orders.

In additionto the Maria chatbot, DPD has also developed other applications for thedelivery of orders, namely the Follow My Parcel for recipients or theOperations Control Center, for the internal process of monitoring andoptimizing the route of its distribution vehicles.

For JoséLeal e Silva, Executive Director of Bee Engineering “Technology exists toimprove the performance of human beings, in any sector, and it is in this sensethat the long-standing partnership with DPD has been developed. Each projectthat is carried out and each interaction is always aimed at improving theorganization's processes or business, and it is this attitude that allows realimprovements to be made to DPD Portugal's business.”

Accordingto Paulo Rosa, Information Systems Director at DPD Portugal “the partnershipwith Bee Engineering has allowed us to provide tools to improve the provisionof service to our customers, with the Maria chatbot being worthy of mention,which proved to be an excellent bet for Customer Service of DPD, continuouslyoptimized by the internal teams of the two companies”. Chatbot Maria, Follow MyParcel, and Operations Control Center were carried out by a multidisciplinaryteam from the Turnkey area of ​​Bee Engineering. Developments of new DigitalTransformation initiatives are planned for DPD Portugal, to add value andefficiency to the services it provides to its customers.

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