Mar 30, 2022

Bee Engineering increases revenue by 25% and exceeds 7.3 million euros

Bee Engineering increases revenue by 25% and exceeds 7.3 million euros

· In 2022 the technology company wants to reach 8 million euros and hire 50 employees
· Turn-Key projects rose exponentially over the previous year

BeeEngineering exceeded the revenue targets set for 2021 and reached 7.3 million,which represents an increase of 25% compared to the same period last year. Theoutlook was for a 9% rise. These numbers also led to higher-than-expectedgrowth in the number of professionals. The Innovation and Technology companyended the year with 191 employees, 32 more than at the end of 2020.

For 2022,the goals are to approach 8 million in revenue and hire 50 more people to jointhe team. “In 2020 – given the economic impacts caused by the pandemic – we hada small decrease, but in 2021 we were able to return to the growth trend thatwe had recorded since our launch”, says José Leal e Silva, Executive Directorof Bee Engineering. “We expected this recovery to happen, but the numbersexceeded our expectations. This year we want to continue to trace a path ofprogression. We will strengthen our competitiveness in the market”.

2021 wasthe year of accelerating Bee Academy's role in the Bee Engineering structure, closelylinked to the areas of R&D and Nectar Interactive – the training unitdeveloped the experience of new employees and created platforms that alreadyhad applicability. Together, they created Bee Kind, a video game capable ofinvolving companies and employees in solidarity goals. The platform’s goal is toincrease the connection between team members, promoting common values ​​and, atthe same time, assisting external solidarity entities. Recently, Bee Genius wasalso launched – an application for employees to contribute ideas to beimplemented in the company and vote on the suggestions proposed by theircolleagues. The tool has a simple and intuitive operation: swipe right if youapprove of the ideas presented, swipe left if you don't.

The companyis also involved in the NETEDGE – which aims to develop an edge computinginfrastructure and associated software to provide low-latency computingservices. This solution is developed by a consortium of six entities and issupported by the P2020 and ERDF programs.

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