Jul 15, 2021

Bee Engineering partner of NETEDGE research program

Bee Engineering partner of NETEDGE research program

Bee Engineering is one of the six partners of NETEDGE, a joint venture of Research and Technological Development (RD&T) led by DSTelecom that is supported by the operational programs P2020 and FEDER. The initiative is budgeted at 2 ME and has participants as entities such as the University of Minho, the Telecommunications Institute, and companies bysteel.fs and Fapajal.

NETEDGE is focused on Edge Computing for users of fiber optic networks and aims at researching and developing cutting edge technologies in the field of distribution. It will be developed within a period of up to 31 months and aims to bring the location and Data Storage closer to the place where they are transferred ​​to improve response times and save bandwidth.

Edge computing, in addition to leveraging 5G technology, will be vital to meet the demanding requirements of applications that require ultra-low latency and high bandwidth. The industry, together with standardization bodies and R&D partners, has collaborated to create standards, software components and reference architectures, with the ETSI MEC - Multi-access Edge Computing being the most relevant. However, an interoperable and agnostic market solution does not yet exist.

The NETEDGE partners have identified astrategic opportunity aimed at developing an MEC system, which can be exploredand replicated, thus creating business opportunities for all participants.Research activities also include contributions in terms of security guarantees andorchestration of the MEC Platforms network. The prototype of this system willbe tested and validated in a real environment, facilitated by the participationof bysteel fs and Fapajal, industrial partners of the project, which enable theapplication of the technology to two distinct use cases of industry 4.0.

NETEDGE is co-financed by the Portugal2020 Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program and by theLisbon Regional Operational Program through the European Regional DevelopmentFund (ERDF).

According to José Leal e Silva, Executive Director of Bee Engineering, “The great technological challenges that make the world advance are achieved together, joining efforts and paddling in the same direction towards a concerted objective. That's why the NETEDGE project is so innovative, since it brings together experts in the technology market and companies that recognize the real advantage of technology to improve their business. 5G is a reality and opens up a new world of possibilities“.

For more information about NETEDGE click here.

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