Apr 17, 2023

Conversa Comigo #1

Conversa Comigo #1

The new Bee Engineering series, “Conversa Comigo” with Raquel Nogueira, has arrived, where relevant and current topics are addressed, such as the role of women in the technology sector, career changes, testimonies of people who have gone through this transition, the recruitment challenges and candidate requirements.

The aim is to bring important discussions to light and offer important insights, inspiring and encouraging positive changes in the job market. Through conversations in an informal tone, exchange of ideas and experiences, this series seeks to bring “to the table” issues that directly impact the lives of future and current talents.

In the first episode, guest Rita Salgado, from the Talent Management department, spoke about the importance of flexibility in today's market and how the technology sector can help drive career change. Important points were addressed, such as what we most value when choosing a new career and how the IT sector allows a person to start over and manage to progress.

Watch this first episode of “Talk to me” and don't miss the next episodes!

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