Jul 18, 2019

PAPTICe 2019 helps young talent grow with Bee Engineering support

PAPTICe 2019 helps young talent grow with Bee Engineering support

Bee Engineering supported the PAPTICe initiative for the second year in a row. The Portuguese national contest is promoted by the National Association of Computer Teachers. The competition aims to recognize the work done in vocational education, valuing excellence, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship of students, in their Proof of Professional Aptitude projects, in the areas of Computing, Multimedia, Electronics, and Automation.

The closing ceremony of the national competition PAPTICe 2019 took place on July 16, at the Augusto Cabrita Municipal Auditorium in Barreiro. Bee Engineering's Executive Director, José Leal e Silva, was pleased to deliver the 1st prize in the Multimedia category.

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