May 9, 2023

Solidarity Day & Solidarity Game

Solidarity Day & Solidarity Game

Bee Engineering has invested not only in the technology sector, but also in social responsibility initiatives. In recent weeks, we have participated in two solidarity events, with the aim of helping important institutions and making a difference in our society.

On March 22, Bee Engineering teamed up with APPACDM – Portuguese Association of Parents and Friends of Mentally Disabled Citizens to rebuild the Centro Júlia Moreira, a shelter for young people, in Lisbon. With great enthusiasm and mutual help, we got our hands dirty to improve the conditions of this very important space, which supports young people in different stages of their lives.

The following weekend, we participated in a solidarity tournament with the aim of helping SOS Animal, an institution that protects and cares for animals. With a lot of energy and commitment, our team came together to raise funds and contribute to this association.

We continue to defend the importance of helping others, especially those who make a difference in our society and, therefore, we will continue to get involved in initiatives such as these.

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