Nov 9, 2021

Bee Engineering develops solidarity videogame and offers donations to União Zoófila

Bee Engineering develops solidarity videogame and offers donations to União Zoófila

• Videogame developed by the Bee Engineering Academy and Nectar Interactive;

• It can be used by companies to promote the connection between employees and in Corporate Social Responsibility strategies

The Bee Academy – Bee Engineering's academy – created Bee Kind, a video game capable of involving companies and employees in solidarity goals. The launch phase involved 200 professionals. Together they participated in a mission that resulted in victory and the offering of goods to the União Zoófila. Packages of feed, deworming products, and toys were delivered to the animals of the organization that hosts Empada, the god-daughter of this Innovation and Technology company.

The game was developed in an academy regimeunder the coordination of Nectar Interactive, Bee Engineering's unit of digitalsolutions based on video games, thinking of companies that feel the need toinvolve their professionals after a phase of prolonged physical withdrawal.With the Bee Kind, they can increase the connection between team members andpromote common values, while helping external solidarity entities. Thecustomization of this digital solution is possible for any organization andproposed challenge.

The Bee Kind has players playing a video gametoward a common collaborative goal. In this case, the game consisted of a setof challenges based on “taps”. The dynamics put into practice for União Zoófilaincluded overcoming seven levels, each of which corresponded to the achievementof a solidary asset. In the space of five days, and after more than 17 milliontaps, the Bee Engineering team managed to complete all the objectives and thusunlock several donations for the União Zoófila.

According to José Leal e Silva, ExecutiveDirector of Bee Engineering, “Organizations must set an example in educationand awareness, encouraging good practices and appropriate behavior. SocialResponsibility is one of these examples, however, they often put into practicemeasures of great impact, but without the involvement of their employees. Thepurpose of the Bee Kind is precisely to help each and every company to get allits professionals involved in the business actions carried out and, in theorganization’s, top strategy. In this example, the platform created connectsseveral vectors of action of Bee Engineering, namely the Bee Academy, NectarInteractive, Social Responsibility, and União Zoófila.”

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